Nik S.
I am forever grateful for our time together. My life called, and you answered. In a time of uncertainty, change, transition, and anxiety you provided me with everything that I needed to excel. Awareness… In our first meeting I spoke. You sat there and gave me a platform to open up. I’ll never forget after 70 minutes of talking, you took the last 5 to dissect me. In our second meeting you let me speak again, this time for not as long. You already had me pegged, you felt it. When you explained to me what confluence meant it began to create my awareness. What you did for me, I did for so many people. I love having the ability to do that, but in that I lost myself. I am forever grateful for our time together because I was lost. Trying to save a business, managing my parents marriage, supporting my sister, balancing the family business dynamic, and never letting my wife down. Focusing on everything else but me.
I am excited for what is on the life path ahead. Gordon, I needed you. I needed everything that you provided for me. I am aware and I am focused. My strength is me and for a while, ‘me’ didn’t exist. My goals in life are to be a great husband, an amazing father, a good son, an awesome friend, and whatever I do, excel at it. Thank you for your time, your professionalism, how genuine and engaging you are, and most importantly for listening. I needed someone to listen and you did. For that I am forever grateful. I have a long way to go, but you’ve given me the knowledge and the platform to succeed at my goals. Confluence was just a word, our time together was just a stepping stone, my self-awareness is just beginning. Thank you for everything that you did for me, you are amazing at what you do. I believe that I will succeed because of my wife, my family, my friends, and myself. Thank you for being one of my friends.